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πŸ€ Event: 2024 D-League | Under 16 & Under 18 πŸ€

πŸ“… Date: 28th & 29th September 2024
πŸ“ Venue: Penrith Valley Regional Sports Centre

The D-League is designed to identify talented players and coaches competing in the NSW Spalding Waratah Junior Leagues. It aims to assist their development by offering opportunities to train, play, and coach against each other in a tournament-style environment.

This year’s event will be condensed into one weekend per age group, combining training and games in a similar format to reduce costs and save time for athletes and their families.

  • U16 Boys & Girls: (born 2010)
  • U18 Boys & Girls: (born 2009/2008)

πŸ” Selection Process:
Applicants will be considered based on the following criteria:

  • BNSW High Performance Trials
  • BNSW High-Performance Coaches
  • Past performances at BNSW events

Head to the Basketball High Performance Webpage to register for the upcoming High Performance Program Trials.

πŸ“ Register for Trials: https://www.bnsw.com.au/players/high-performance/
ℹ️ More Info on D-League: https://www.bnsw.com.au/players/d-league/

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